The easy-to-use time tracking program for the Macintosh®. System 7 or greater is now required for TimeTracker. TimeTracker is Shareware - you may try the program for a short time, but if you like it and want to keep using it, please send in the requested $25 registration fee. A lot of time and effort went into developing this program, please be fair and help support it. Please read this manual. It is short and easy to read. This manual was written using DOCMaker, the shareware document creator from Green Mountain Software. If you have any problems using or printing from this manual, contact Green Mountain Software at or . If you have questions about TimeTracker, contact Maui Software. Feel free to submit comments, suggestions, and bug reports. Click on the word “Introduction” below to bring up other chapters in this manual.   ©Copyright 1996 Maui Software. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Credits TimeTracker™ developed by William E. Modesitt Maui Software 189 Auoli Drive Makawao, Maui, HI 96768-9313 Phone: 1-808-573-0011 FAX: 1-808-572-2406 email: ftp site: Web page: TimeTracker graphics (above, startup window, & about box) by Ed Fenner Design Mine, Boulder, CO 303.530.4365 / 800.779.2433 email: DesignMine@AOL.COM TimeTracker program and user's manual icon graphics by Halvor Nome NOME A/S Design & Market Communication Karl Johansgt. 20 N-1776 Halden. email: And thanks to all the people who helped beta test TimeTracker.